Monday, 13 October 2014

Video Editing- Avid

Video Editing- AVID tutorial

First time I've learnt is the shortcuts on the keyboard to edit-
J- Back, K- Pause (Stop), L-Play Forward, I- In Point, O-Out Point, V- Splice In, B- Overwrite
Arrow Pointing Left & Arrow Pointing Right- Frame By Frame

First was choosing the opening shot to the video, with my choice not being any of the two guys standing at shore but instead the person starting by standing up on his board.


With the next shot being under the water, showing a different side of this surfer, and who it'll look under the water.
With the next amount of shots, after viewing them in a small thumb nail (Left Screen) then choosing the one I like and the one that links up best with the pervious shot I've added in. After placing a shot into the right side and the left video window, I would play it though (L to play) possibly play it over ands over again, till I have a clear idea where I would like the shot to start and end.
As soon as all the clips are put together in the timeline, I will add the music, then the final thing is making tweaks to the shots witch ties in with the music.

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